ProBioPharm launches a new line for the production of substances for probiotics


The Russian biotechnological company Probiopharm has launched the fourth line for the production of probiotic substances, including those used in the treatment of COVID-19, in the Moscow region. The funds for the purchase of technological equipment were provided by the Industrial Development Fund (VEB.RF Group), the press service of the Fund reports.

The planned capacity of the launched line is 1100 kg of substances per year, which means that the production of probiotic drugs is to increase by a factor of 1.5.

The company produces probiotics Florin Forte and Gepafor, as well as Probifor and  Bifidumbacterin forte, which are included in the VED list. They are used in the treatment of infectious diseases, including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The Russian Ministry of Health recommended Probiofor for the acute phase of coronavirus infection, and Florin Forte for the recovery period. According to the trials, these probiotics increase the effectiveness of treatment, reduce the number of side effects of the main therapy and improve its tolerability.

All drugs are created according to technologies developed by domestic microbiologists. The company said that these drugs have no analogues in the world and are more effective than imported probiotics.

In 2020, the Industrial Development Fund provided Probiopharm with a preferential loan under the Development Projects program in the amount of 415 million rubles. The company used the funds to purchase a modern automatic line which is twice as productive as the existing ones. This makes it possible to produce twice as many substances in the facility with the same area. The total budget of the project amounted to more than 900 million rubles. The entire development of the production technology was implemented domestically. The project led to the creation of 201 new workplaces.