Reference samples for diagnostics have been developed by Russian scientists


D.I. Mendeleyev All-Russian Institute for Metrology (VNIIM, part of Rosstandart) has created a line of reference samples for medical laboratory diagnostics for the replacement of Western reference materials, the press service of the department reported.

“As part of the System-2020 state program of experimental design, Mendeleev VNIIM and the Ural Research Institute of Metrology have completed the creation of reference samples not previously produced in the Russian Federation: reference samples of the composition of urea, the composition of uric acid, the ratio of stable isotopes and oxygen in the air, the isotopic composition of copper, and the isotopic composition of zinc. The researchers also developed state primary reference measurement methods and updated the reference base. Certification of the values of the measured substances and the traceability of measurement results to primary references will improve the accuracy of diagnosis and quality of treatment of a number of serious diseases,” the report says (quoted by TASS).

It is noted that the developed reference sample of blood serum will be used by clinical diagnostic laboratories to control the accuracy of tests for blood serum copper and zinc levels. It can also be used for verification, calibration, and testing in order to approve the type of measuring instruments, certification of measurement methods and other types of metrological control.

In addition, the research department of state references for physical and chemical measurements have developed a reference installation for metrological support for the diagnosis of diseases caused by Helicobacter pylori infection (a pathogen leading to a number of diseases of the stomach and intestines), using an advanced method of isotope mass spectrometry. Reference equipment is to be used to produce reference samples for widely used respiratory tests.

As Yan Chubchenko, senior researcher at the VNIIM department, explained, as the supply of foreign reference samples has been suspended, the development of Russian-made samples is required to perform isotope measurements in the field of atmospheric monitoring, forensics, customs control, scientific research, food and oil and gas industry. The next step aimed at ensuring metrological security of the country will be the creation of a state primary reference for the unit of ratios of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen isotopes.