Hormonal drugs sales in Russia have increased by 32.5%


DSM Group experts have presented data on the sales growth of hormonal medicines. In the first 10 months of 2022, Russia’s production of hormonal medicines increased markedly. The sales amounted to 7.1 million packages, or 987.8 million rubles. This is 32.5% more in monetary terms and 33.6% more in natural units compared to January–October 2021, according to Pervy Lekarstvenny Telegram channel.

The top three manufacturers over the last 10 months are Renewal, Ellara and Ozon. The leader, in monetary terms and in natural units, is pharmaceutical company Renewal, with the share of 29.1% in rubles and 35.5% in packages. Sales of its drugs increased by 68.7% in rubles compared to January–October 2021.

Ellara is in second place. In January–October 2022, its drugs sale increased by 15.3% y-o-y. Ozon comes third, with a 17.1% share in rubles.

All localized hormonal drugs for systemic use are generics. The main dosage forms in the group are tablets and injection solutions.