Prices for vital and essential drugs in April 2024 increased by 0.7%


Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) has recorded an increase in drug prices by 0.7-1.1%. The prices of drugs included in the Vital and Essential Drugs list increased by 0.7%, and those not on the list increased by 1.1%. Prices also increased for bandages (+2.3%), domestic cotton wool (+1.6%), medical mercury-free thermometers (+1.4%), and disposable syringes (+0.7%).

Among the drugs on the Vital and Essential Drugs list, the price increase the most was hydrogen peroxide (+2.5%). It is followed by Drotaverine (+1.9%), amoxicillin with clavulanic acid (+1.8%), enalapril (+1.5%), aminophylline and vitamin D3 (+1.3%), Acetylcysteine and furosemide (+1.2%), sodium chloride (+1.1%), domestic aspirin and vinpocetine (+0.8%). The price only for ambroxol decreased (-0.1%).

Of those drugs that are not included in the list of vital and essential drugs, the price of sulfacetamide increased by 3.2%, valerian extract by 2.8%, Centaurii herba by 2.4%, iodine and metamizole sodium (domestic analgin) by 2.1%. ), 2% – activated carbon, Corvalol and troxerutin.