“Winkristin” drug deliveries to Russia will restart in April


Teva restarts deliveries of the drug “Winkristin-Teva” (MNN Winkristin), included in the list of vital and most essential drugs (VED), for the therapy of Russian patients, the company reports.

“The drug is an important part of modern cancer treatment programs, primarily in children. The resumption of deliveries was made possible due to the re-registration of the Russian Ministry of Health of the maximum selling price in accordance with government decree No. 1771 of 31.10.2020 due to the presence of defects in the market and the economic analysis of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS)”, the company said.

The first drug batch is expected to be received to Russia in April 2021.

The company will immediately inform the Ministry of Health about further supply plans after receiving confirmation from the manufacturing plant.