Gamalei Center applies for Sputnik Light vaccine registration


The Russian Ministry of Health received an application for a registration certificate for the anti-COVID19 Sputnik Light coronavirus vaccine, according to the website of the state register of medicines.

Earlier, the head of the Hamalei Center, Alexander Ginzburg, who developed the drug, spoke about plans to use Sputnik Light to increase immunity in those who had previously suffered coronavirus.

According to him, the Sputnik Light vaccine was not created to replace Sputnik V.

Sputnik Light is the first component of the Sputnik V vaccine, it is created actually for rapid vaccination of the population, and also makes it possible to use the sick for vaccination, who already have a certain immunity to COVID-19, but it needs to be raised, “TASS quoted him as saying.

Sputnik Light is a lightweight version of the Sputnik V drug developed by the Gamalei Center. It consists of only one (first) component, and accordingly requires only one inoculation instead of two.