Ginzburg declared the effectiveness of Sputnik V against the Indian strain COVID-19


The Sputnik V vaccine creates a sufficient amount of antibodies to combat the Indian strain of coronavirus, TASS reports citing Alexander Ginzburg, director of the Hamalei Center.

“To fight the Indian strain if necessary, we will be high titers of antibodies that the Sputnik V vaccine creates. As a rule, the level of antibodies is 20, 30, 80 times higher than what is necessary in order to neutralize the entire amount of virus that occurs in the body infected at the peak. Sputnik V will be effective against the Indian strain, “Ginzburg said.

In March, scientists in India discovered a strain of coronavirus with a double mutation. “Although various variants of coronavirus and a strain with a double mutation have been identified in India, they have been found in insufficient numbers to explain or establish a direct link to the increase in infections in some states of the country,” the Indian Ministry of Health said in a statement.