Pre-trial consideration of complaints is introduced in the field of drug control


The mandatory pre-trial procedure for considering complaints is introduced in Russia from July 1, 2021 for various types of federal state control (supervision). The corresponding government decree is published on the portal

This measure concerns, among other things, Roszdravnadzor, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and Rosselkhoznadzor.

In the case of the Federal Health Supervision Service, the mandatory pre-trial procedure for handling complaints relates to:

– Federal state supervision in the field of medicines;

– State control over the circulation of medical products;

– state control in the field of circulation of biomedical cellular products (BMCP); as well as

state control of quality and safety of honey. activity.

With regard to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the pre-trial procedure for dealing with complaints applies to the licensing control of the production of medicines for medical use. In the case of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision, we are talking about state supervision in the field of the circulation of medicines for veterinary use.

In total, the document defines 62 types of federal state control (supervision), in respect of which from July 1, 2021 the procedure for mandatory pre-trial appeal of decisions will begin to operate.