Sputnik V vaccination OK’d in Slovakia


The Slovak government approved the use of the Russian anti-COVID19 vaccine Sputnik V in the country from June 7, this was reported on the drug’s Twitter page.

The first batch of vaccine arrived in Slovakia in March: according to Reuters, 200 thousand doses of the drug were delivered to the republic. At the same time, the Slovak State Institute for Drug Control (SIDC) did not give permission to start mass vaccination with Sputnik V due to “missing data from the manufacturer, inconsistency of dosage forms and the inability to compare batches used in different studies and countries.”

After that, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) demanded that the Slovak government return the Sputnik V party due to numerous contract violations. The RDIF also called fake the SIDC statement that the drug transferred to Slovakia does not have the same characteristics as the vaccination described in the scientific journal The Lancet.