The Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed to update the list of medical products which are restricted in terms of their participation in public procurement


In order to promote the effective use of the “third one out” mechanism, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation proposed to update the list of single-use medical products made of PVC plastics for which restrictions are established in terms of their participation in public procurement. The corresponding draft resolution is published on portal. Its discussion will continue until June 30.

According to the document, it is planned to amend the Government Resolution No. 102 of February 5, 2015. The draft resolution proposes to exclude from the list any medical products that are not currently produced in the territory of the EAEU Member States, and medical products that are components of a main medical device, as well as to revise the codes that classify medical devices.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade noted that it is in order to support domestic manufacturers of medical products that are not inferior in quality to foreign ones, as well as to reduce the country’s dependence on the import of such products, that the Government of the Russian Federation Decree No. 102  “On Restrictions and Conditions for the Admission of Certain Types of Medical Products Originating from Foreign Countries for the Purpose of Procurement for State and Municipal Needs” was enacted. It provides for restrictions on the admission of certain types of foreign medical products to public procurement (with the exception of products from the EAEU member states), provided that at least two applications have been submitted for participation in the competitive tender that meet the requirements of the notice of procurement. Otherwise, an application containing a proposal for the supply of a medical device of foreign origin is subject to admission on equal terms with applications that offer domestic medical products.

The bill is intended to stimulate an increase in the production of domestic medical products and the opening of new production facilities based on the existing manufacturing capacities that can meet the needs of the Russian healthcare system. The final decision will be made by the government, with due account for a detailed assessment of all the current needs of the Russian healthcare system.