A COVID-19 vaccine in the form of nasal drops may appear in one year


A vaccine against coronavirus infection in the form of nasal drops may become available in the fall of 2022. The drug has to undergo clinical trials. This was announced by Rinat Maksyutov, the general director of the Vector Center, TASS reports.

“Vaccines in the form of a nasal spray are also being studied in many laboratories around the world, but mostly on laboratory animals. Given the time needed for clinical trials, I believe that the launch will take place next autumn,” Maksyutov said on Monday, August 30, when shown live as part of the educational campaign “Let’s learn about vaccines together”, which was organized by Znanie society.

Earlier it became known that the Gamaleya Center plans to start clinical trials of its own drug of this type in late 2021 – early 2022, and to register it in 2022. The Vector center is also developing a vaccine in the form of nasal drops.

The Chumakov Center will increase the production of its CoviVac vaccine against COVID-19.