The Ministry of Education and Science has allocated more than 10 billion for the development of genetic technologies


The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia has allocated grants for 19 research programs and the development of 15 topics of bioresource collections “for the implementation of certain activities of the Federal Research and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies for 2019–2027”. The decisions taken upon the consideration of applications for the competition were published on the website of the ministry.

The budget provided for the implementation of the program in 2021 is 10.3 billion rubles. In particular, 1.3 billion rubles was allocated for the development of three genomic research centers this year.

“It is important to once again evaluate the results we have obtained and the tasks that we still have to solve, so that the outcomes are timely and valuable for the development of genetic technologies in our country,”  said Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, at a meeting of the Program Implementation Council.

The participants of the meeting discussed grant support for bioresource collections and research programs conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on a competitive basis and aimed at solving major globally important applied issues and creating leading research teams in the field of genetic technologies. A total of 128 applications from 35 regions of eight federal districts of the country were submited to the competition.

54 projects were admitted to the expert evaluation procedure. It was decided to allocate grants to 19 research programs, as well as for the development of 15 topics in bioresource collections.

“Support for the development of bioresource collections is based on the principles of network interaction of collections of research and educational organizations. In the future, they can be united into large bioresource centers. Such support of collections throughout the country is provided for the first time; it will increase their availability and demand for them. Special attention will also be paid to research programs aimed at ensuring global leadership and solving fundamentally new world-class tasks,”  said Valery Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education.