R-Pharm has become the most frequently mentioned company in the media among private Russian pharmaceutical businesses


R-Pharm Group has become a leader among private Russian pharmaceutical companies in terms of the frequency of its mentioning in the media, according to the report of Medialogia service.

There were 6414  media reports mentioning R-Pharm Group last year, the group’s media index exceeded 28,500 units, and the total coverage (which includes comments, likes, reposts, and audience analysis) was more than 210 million units.

The Medialogy report for 2022 (from January 1 to December 31, 2022) includes 384 Russian and foreign pharmaceutical manufacturers. Other Russian pharma companies included in the top 40 are Biocad and Pharmasyntez.

Medialogia’s rating is based on the media database, which includes 81,000 sources: TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, news agencies, and online media. The rating is based on the so-called media index — an indicator of the qualitative state of the information field formed by the media around a geo-concept. The higher the rating, the more pronounced the presence of the geo-concept in the media is, and the more positive image the media has created for it.

As previously reported, the R-Pharm group of companies is going to be the contractor in the first offset agreement in St. Petersburg.