Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin described the development of AI technologies in the capital’s healthcare at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin yesteerday. A system of “medical tips” has been created for primary care physicians in Moscow, and 9 million diagnoses have already been made with the use of AI. “Of course, this should be implemented broadly,” Putin commented.
Pavel Pugachev, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, notes that the Ministry of Health of Russia is taking measures to accelerate AI implementation in healthcare. “To create new solutions, the ministry has specialized medical datasets formed. In order to stimulate the introduction of ready-made AI solutions into clinical practice, as part of the federal project to create a single digital environment in healthcare, the regions have a task to introduce at least one artificial intelligence-based solution in state medical organizations as early as in 2023. In 2024, at least 3 such centralized AI solutions should already be implemented by the regions,” the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation quotes Pugachev as saying.