The rotavirus vaccine won’t be included in the National Calendar until 2025


The Government of the Russian Federation has postponed the deadline for the introduction of new vaccinations into the Russian National Calendar of Vaccination (NCV): the rotavirus vaccine will be included in the list only in 2025, and the varicella vaccine in 2027.

It was planned that the rotavirus vaccine would be included in the NCV as early as in 2022, but it is still listed only in the calendar of vaccinations administered in the presence of epidemiological indications.

The new decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 343-р dated February 15, 2023 has shifted the deadlines for new vaccines introduction into NCV: for varicella, from 2023 to 2027, for human papillomavirus, from September 2023 to September 2025.

The only vaccine which is going to be introduced in the National Calendar according to the previous plan is quadrivalent meningococcal vaccine against serogroups A, C, W, Y. It is planned that it will become available in Russia in 2025.

The deadline for a report to the government on the determined the population groups to be vaccinated and on financial support for vaccines procurement has also been shifted, from November 2023 to November 2025.