In April 2023 drugs worth of 54.3 billion rubles were produced in Russia


According to Rosstat analysis, the volume of industrial production in Russia in April 2023 increased by 5.2% compared to April year 2022, in January-April the growth was 0.6% in annual terms. In April, compared to March, industrial production decreased by 5%.

“In April 2023 drugs worth of 54.3 billion rubles were produced in Russian Federation, which is 6% less than in April 2022, and 11.5% less than in March 2023. In January-April 2023, the production of medicines decreased by 8.8% compared to the same period last year,” the document says.

Also, 1.6 billion doses of vaccines have been produced, which is 30.8% more than in April 2022 and 16.2% more than in March 2023. The output in ampoules amounted to 841 thousand units, which is 46% more than in April 2022, and 38.5% more than in March 2023.

In April 2023, the production of medical equipment and devices was increased by 20.6% (RUB 3.3 billion) compared to April 2022.