Ministry of Industry and Trade: “Russian cosmetics are not inferior to Western ones in terms of quality”


Currently, Russia produces products of 600 local cosmetic brands, and most of them are ready to increase production, said Denis Manturov, head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Among Russian companies there are both microenterprises and large businesses. “There are free capacities, which allows us to significantly increase the volume of products in all categories and provide consumers with all the necessary goods,” the official said.

He also expressed confidence that Russian cosmetics and perfumery products are of high quality and have a serious potential to replace Western ones: “The products of domestic manufacturers are not inferior to Western ones in terms of quality and are actively sold domestically and abroad.”

According to Manturov, over the past year, Russian companies “successfully adapted to new work patterns, connected Russian producers of raw materials and packaging, and invested additional funds in the development of innovative products.”