Russian pharmaceutical companies are ready to cooperate with Algeria


Рharmaceutical  сooperation between Russia and Algeria can be very promising, says Kira Ivanova, the Vice President of R-Pharm. As she believes, the African country is ready to work together in this area, despite the geopolitical overtones.

“Our employees possess valuable skills and expertise in clinical practice and laboratory research. We are eager to share these skills and the data that have been collected with the Algerian community. Our hope is to foster the development of these skills within Algeria,” the speaker shared during an interview at the Russian-Algerian business forum in Moscow on June 14th.

According to her, Algeria is one of those countries that does not interfere with cooperation. During the COVID-19 pandemic the Russian vaccine against COVID-19 entered the Algerian market very quickly.  Ivanova mentioned that both nations have gained significant experience in working together and have established effective methods for coordinating regulatory frameworks. This progress has laid the foundation for future advancements in the pharmaceutical industry.
For example, Geropharm cooperates with Algeria. In 2023, a local pharmaceutical company launched the production of insulin using Russian technology. The first batch consisted of 40,000 vials of short-acting genetically engineered human insulin. Within this month’s end, we are scheduled to create an additional 80,000 bottles of insulin, and ultimately, by year-end, half of the population shall receive locally produced insulin.