Rospotrebnadzor has abolished the standards for COVID-19 testing coverage


Previously, in regions with a high level of epidemic activity, it was advised to carry out a minimum of 300 tests per 100,000 people. The official portal of legal acts has published the relevant resolution of the head of Rospotrebnadzor.

The resolution that has been published revokes the standards regarding the number of tests per 100,000 people, which were previously established according to the level of epidemic activity in each region. During the initial phase of the epidemic (when the weekly incidence rate was above 100 cases per 100,000 people and the proportion of positive tests was above 15%), it was mandatory to conduct a minimum of 300 tests per 100,000 people. At the second level, a minimum of 200 tests per 100 thousand population was required. At the third level (low) – at least 150 studies per 100,000 population.