Sales of Russian hormonal drugs have doubled since 2019


As it evidenced by the results of analytics from the DSM Group company, the market capacity of hormonal drugs for systemic use, the production of which is carried out in Russia, has doubled compared to 2019. Due to this, localized products occupy an increasingly large share of the sales structure in this category. Thus, in January–August 2023, the weight of drugs produced in Russia was 15% in rubles and 24% in packages. This is 6 and 13% more than in the same period in 2019, respectively. In just eight months of 2023, pharmacies sold 5.2 million packages of such drugs with a total cost of 756.8 million rubles.

Sales of hormonal products peaked in 2021: compared to the previous year, they were purchased 40% more actively. The most popular drugs were with the active ingredients’ levothyroxine sodium (+157% in rubles and +167% in packages) and dexamethasone (+86% and +103%, respectively). All localized hormonal drugs for systemic use are generics, company analysts note. In addition, almost all sales were of drugs from the Vital and Essential Drugs list, and more than 90% of the drugs sold were prescription drugs.