India is the leader among countries importing medicines to the Russian Federation

At the end of 2023, India topped the ranking of countries supplying medicines to Russia. Previously, Germany occupied the first place on this list (2021 and 2022). The top five countries are France, Hungary and the Republic of Belarus. RBC draws information from a report by the analytical firm RNC Pharma. During the study, analysts compared their own data and information from Roszdravnadzor on the release of drugs into circulation.
In total, 1.8 billion packages of foreign medicines entered the Russian market in 2023. The number increased by 1.5% compared to 2022, yet it did not surpass the 2021 result, when 1.9 billion packages were imported into the country. The largest number of domestic drugs remains on the market – 4.1 billion packages.
India’s foreign supply share grew by nearly 3% in 2023 with around 294 million packages. Supplies from France, Hungary, and the Republic of Belarus increased by 7.6%, 11.6%, and 6.9% respectively, with France contributing 149.3 million, Hungary 112.5 million, and Belarus 6.9%.
At the same time, the import of medicines from Germany decreased by 20%, to 238.7 million packages. Supplies also fell from the UK – to 63.2 million (by 10.5%), as well as from Poland (by 16.5%, to 60.9 million). The source also notes that in 2023, Russia for the first time received medicines from the UAE (35.7 thousand packages), Armenia (1600) and Cuba (1500).