Hepatitis C Testing to be Added to Russian Health Check-Up Plan

Russian citizens will be tested for hepatitis C every 10 years as part of medical examination. The goal is to cover 70% of the population with medical exams. The preparation of a document to amend the procedure is at the final stage. This information was reported at a specialized conference on the disease by Lyubov Drozdova, the leading expert in medical prevention at the Russian Ministry of Health.
She mentioned that the final stage of preparing a document to revise the procedure for conducting medical examinations and preventive medical examinations has been reached. “It is planned to include screening for the hepatitis C virus once every 10 years, starting at the age of 18. How many of these patients will undergo this screening? In fact, a lot,” she added.
According to Drozdova, the goal is to cover at least 70% of the country’s population, both children and adults, with medical examinations and checkups. In 2023, an over fulfillment of this indicator was recorded, the expert said. “When a patient comes to us, of course, this is an opportunity to apply all the preventive power that we can. “And as far as detecting the hepatitis C virus, this is an excellent entry point,” the doctor concluded.