R-Pharm Group Advances Clinical Trials of Goflikicept in Turkey to Open Phase


R-Pharm Group has transitioned patients in Turkey from the double-blind phase to the open phase in the international multicenter clinical trial of goflikicept (Arcerix) for familial Mediterranean fever. Approved by the Turkish Ministry of Health, this phase involves medical centers in Istanbul and Ankara.

Familial Mediterranean fever is a rare genetic autoinflammatory disease characterized by periodic fever and pain. The trial aims to assess the effectiveness and safety of goflikicept in patients unresponsive to standard treatments. All participants will now receive the medication for four years. Similar transitions have occurred in Russia and Armenia.

Goflikicept, an innovative protein drug, inactivates the cytokine interleukin-1, which is pivotal in the disease. Registered in Russia for idiopathic recurrent pericarditis, it offers hope for advanced treatment in regions with high prevalence, such as Turkey and Armenia, according to R-Pharm’s medical director, Mikhail Samsonov.