Sotex Expands Line of Neipilept Drug

The drug “Neypilept” (citicoline) from the company “Sotex” now offers a new dosage form – 500 mg tablets, available in pharmacies. Previously, until 2024, citicoline was only available in injection forms and oral solutions in bottles or sachets of 10 ml.
The introduction of a new dosage form of the drug “Neypilept” aims to enhance the convenience of taking citicoline for patients prescribed oral forms, as well as for those with specific preferences for citicoline administration.
The 500 mg tablets of “Neypilept” No. 30 have the same indications for citicoline as other forms of dosage. They are equally bioavailable as intravenous administration of citicoline. Thus, in cases where injections are not feasible, these tablets can effectively substitute the parenteral route of administration.
The instructions list the indications for the use of the drug “Neypilept” in 500 mg tablets:
  • Acute period of ischemic stroke (as part of complex therapy);
  • Recovery period of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes;
  • Traumatic brain injury, acute (as part of complex therapy) and recovery periods;
  • Cognitive and behavioral disorders in degenerative and vascular diseases of the brain.
According to the State Register of Medicines, the drug “Neypilept,” manufactured by the company “Sotex,” is the only one on the domestic market available in three dosage forms and five release forms. This is a solution for injections 125 mg/ml 4 ml No. 5, 250 mg/ml 4 ml No. 5, a solution for oral administration 100 mg/ml bottle 100 ml, a solution for oral administration 100 mg/ml bottle 300 ml and a new prescription form – film-coated tablets, 500 mg No. 30, which allows for individual selection of therapy depending on the patient’s age, diagnosis and severity of the disease.