A preclinical research center was created at Siberian State Medical University following GLP standards

The Siberian State Medical University (SSMU) in Tomsk has inaugurated a new Preclinical Research Center, facilitating interdisciplinary research on various animal species. The site is certified in accordance with GLP requirements.
“Before entering the market, medical technologies must prove their effectiveness on animals and then on humans according to safety regulations. And these are not only medicines, but also medical products, new surgical interventions,” explained the rector of the Siberian State Medical University, Evgeny Kulikov. He added that at the time of the opening of the center, “works worth slightly more than 120 million rubles have already been contracted and planned.”
It is important to note that the center is the largest in the region and the only site that meets the GLP standard. Kulikov assures that the conditions and infrastructure for the full-cycle development of drugs have been established here. Additionally, the center will provide training for students and postgraduates to complete coursework, diploma, and dissertation work. Its teachers will also prepare students for surgical Olympiads and organize career guidance events for schoolchildren from all over Russia.