Russia has created an oral drug aimed at treating obesity and diabetes

Scientists from the Volgograd State Medical University (Vol GMU) have developed an oral drug to combat excess weight and obesity. The medication known as “Dipiaron” is available in capsule form, according to reports from Ivan Tyurenkov, a professor at the Institute of Continuous Medical and Pharmaceutical Education at Volgograd State Medical University.
The recruitment of patients for clinical trials of a drug, which is claimed to be unique with no existing counterparts in the world, is already underway. Tyurenkov states that “Dipiaron” effectively normalizes blood glucose levels, making it an excellent option for enhancing treatment outcomes in diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity.
The drug also stimulates the production of incretin hormones in the intestines, which stimulate the release of insulin. Consequently, sugar swiftly infiltrates the tissues instead of lingering in the bloodstream, ensuring that blood glucose levels remain stable.
“Like Ozempic and other drugs in this group, our drug also reduces appetite and body weight. Only it will be used orally, not by injection, and will be five times cheaper. For now, it will be the first drug of its class in the world,” the scientist emphasized.