Payments to doctors for cancer alertness will continue through 2027

The State Duma adopted a bill to extend inter-budget transfers to health insurance funds in 2027 to address personnel shortages and reward early cancer detection by health workers. “The changes provided for by the bill are aimed at increasing the efficiency of using compulsory medical insurance funds and providing medical care,” the explanatory note to the draft states.
The document states that the timeframe for medical organizations to utilize the standardized insurance reserve funds from territorial compulsory medical insurance to co-finance the salaries of doctors and mid-level medical staff has been extended until January 1, 2028.
Furthermore, the timeframe for regional authorities to utilize regional compulsory medical insurance information systems, followed by the transfer of insured individuals’ data to a centralized registry, has been extended until January 1, 2026. This amendment received support during the second reading of the legislation on October 22.