Russia may tighten control over the production of dietary supplements with animal components

Russian legislation in the sphere of regulation of biologically active additives (BAA) with components of animal origin requires revision. This was stated by the Head of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor) Sergei Dankvert.
According to him, currently in Russia there is no mandatory veterinary certification for such BAA’s. This situation carries risks, such as the use of illegally obtained animal components in BAA’s due to inadequate control. Such ingredients do not undergo the necessary veterinary control and can pose a health hazard to consumers.
“We have written several letters on this matter about the need to change the legislation and act in the same way as other countries. If a component of animal origin is included, then such products can be produced by enterprises certified by the relevant service and included in the register,” he said.