St. Petersburg Chemical and Pharmaceutical University will begin producing its own medicines

Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University plans mass production of three innovative drugs based on original molecular compounds. Information about this was provided by Sergey Okovity, head of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology. Currently, the institution is in discussions with five prominent domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers regarding collaborative funding for the second and third phases of clinical trials, as well as establishing the production process.
The development of the drugs began with preclinical trials in 2011, and in the period 2022-2023, the first phase of clinical trials (CT) was completed. The financial costs for the creation of each drug, including all stages until the completion of the first phase, reached 100 million rubles. Half of the funds came from the budget of the federal project “Pharma-2020”, the rest are the university’s own funds. To implement the second phase of the CT, additional funding will be required in the amount of 100 million rubles for each drug.