The Ministry of Health will extend the commission’s work on medicinal product shortages


The Russian Ministry of Health is planning to extend the validity of the Regulation on the interdepartmental commission that determines the shortage or risk of shortage of drugs due to sanctions imposed against the country. If the draft is adopted, the commission will continue operating until December 31, 2027, with certain exceptions. The draft order is currently undergoing public discussion until January 2, 2025.

According to the document, drugs that are determined to have a shortage or a risk of shortage by the interdepartmental commission will be listed on the Ministry of Health’s official website within ten working days of the commission’s decision. The commission will make such a decision if there is a shortage or absence of a drug in circulation in the country and the need for it is unmet. The composition of the commission includes representatives from various institutions such as the Ministry of Health, Federal Customs Service, and Federal Antimonopoly Service. The participation of experts from the ministry and representatives of drug registration holders or applicants is also allowed.