The VIK company is establishing a veterinary drug production facility in Moscow’s Alabushevo technology park


The production of domestic veterinary drugs is being launched in the Technopolis Moscow special economic zone. The VIK Group will establish three production lines in Alabushevo, renting over 5,000 square meters and creating over 70 jobs.

“In the Alabushevo industrial technology park, which was commissioned in early 2024 as part of the program to stimulate the creation of employment opportunities, three lines for the production of Russian veterinary drugs will be equipped. To localize production, the VIK Group of Companies rented more than 5 thousand square meters in the buildings of the first stage and plans to create more than 70 jobs,” said Anatoly Garbuzov, head of the capital’s Department of Investment and Industrial Policy.

The new production complex, which meets GMP standards, will become a strategically important facility for the development of the veterinary industry and poultry complex in Russia. According to Sergei Kasparyants, Executive Director of the VIK Group of Companies, the planned production volumes will be unprecedented for the Russian veterinary market.

The Alabushevo techno park itself, where the production site will be located, has been built in two stages since 2021. The buildings of the first stage already house production facilities for components for the oil and gas industry and medical products. The construction of the second stage, which began in the third quarter, includes the construction of two production buildings and an office center, with planned completion in 2026. This will create an additional 2,500 jobs in the Zelenograd Administrative District.

The project is being implemented as part of a large-scale Moscow program to stimulate job creation, which has covered almost all districts of the city in four years. The Moscow government has concluded more than 130 agreements with investors for the construction of over 6 million square meters of commercial real estate, which will attract investments of more than 2 trillion rubles and create about 290 thousand jobs in various sectors of the capital’s economy.