The production of new Russian “super antibiotic” to begin in Novosibirsk


The Vorozhtsov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistryis launching the preparatory phase for the production of an innovative antibiotic, Fluorothiazinone, developed by researchers at the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology. According to Pavel Zaikin, head of the Institute’s Engineering Center, they are already manufacturing the drug’s key component.

Registered by the Russian Ministry of Health in April 2024, Fluorothiazinone is an oral antibiotic designed to combat bacterial infections resistant to traditional antibiotics. Alexander Gintsburg, head of the research center, confirms the drug’s effectiveness against all known bacterial strains.

The Institute is currently implementing a comprehensive program to establish a production base for both Fluorothiazinone and Vorozhtsov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic NIOCh-14, an anti-smallpox drug. The institute has completed major renovations of its production facilities, equipped sterile zones, and is in the final stage of obtaining a manufacturing license from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, expected by the end of the year.

The institute’s production capacity is set at one ton of each drug per year, meeting the needs of the Russian market. The project is being carried out as part of the Engineering Center’s activities in collaboration with an industrial partner, with a total investment of 300 million rubles.