New production launched at Velpharm-M pharmaceutical plant in Moscow


A new production facility at the Velpharm-M pharmaceutical plant in Moscow will supply medicines for various diseases under an offset contract, announced Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. Supplies are set for 2027. “Under the terms of the offset contract, the enterprise will supply the city with drugs under 20 international non-proprietary names. Over the course of five years, Moscow will receive about 242 million units of products,” Sobyanin said.

The production lines of the plant’s second stage occupy about 5 thousand square meters. About 550 people will be able to work at the new site. As a result of the expansion, the total area of ​​Velpharm-M’s clean production facilities reached 15 thousand square meters. The plant is part of Russia’s largest pharmaceutical cluster in Alabushevo, Technopolis Moscow SEZ.

As the mayor noted, a second offset contract was signed with the plant in February 2024. Within its framework, Velpharm-M will be engaged in the production of antiglaucoma, antitumor, and analgesic drugs, as well as antidepressants and neuroleptics, under 43 international non-proprietary names.