Sintez to launch a line of infusion solutions with a capacity of 7 million vials


Kurgan’s “Sintez” pharmaceutical plant is set to launch a new infusion solutions line with a capacity of 7 million vials annually. The enterprise has already received the necessary license from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Commercial production will begin after receiving registration certificates at the end of March.

The new line is equipped with high-tech equipment for the production of water-based infusion solutions. It will produce drugs from the list of vital and essential drugs (VED), including injectable antimicrobials, antipyretics, and local anesthetics.

By the end of 2024, the enterprise exceeded its production goal by 4%, producing 262 million drug packages. Particularly noted is the record production of antibiotics: 161 million vials of powder for injection. More than 50% of all manufactured products are included in the list of VED.