Pharmasyntez and Pharmasyntez-Tyumen, members of the Pharmasyntez Group, have successfully completed the GMP inspection conducted by the Libyan Ministry of Health. On March 12, the companies received the certificate allowing them to supply medicines to the North African market, the press service of the Group told GxP News.
Pharmasyntez Group is increasingly expanding its international presence. The Libyan Ministry of Health has officially approved the supply of medicines from Russian production sites located in Irkutsk and Tyumen. The GMP certificate will be a key factor in successfully competing in the local market and strengthening the Group’s position in the region.
«Soon we’ll start regular supplies of high-quality medicines, be an important step in providing Libyan patients with affordable and effective products that they need. This step demonstrates the growing authority of Russian manufacturers in the global market, where we are able to compete with leading international pharmaceutical brands», — commented Nikita Punia, Executive Director of Pharmasyntez Group.
Pharmasynthez operates in many countries today. For instance, in 2023, the first batch of antitumor drug, which is produced at the Pharmasyntez-Nord plant in St. Petersburg, was shipped to Myanmar. The volume of the first supply was 60,000 vials. The company also supplied its products to the Dominican Republic.
Pharmasyntez Group, one of Russia’s leading biopharmaceutical companies, operates in various segments of the healthcare industry, including research and development, production and distribution of socially significant drugs. It also develops products for innovative medicine and active pharmaceutical substances. Pharmasyntez-Tyumen is Russia’s only manufacturer of hormonal drugs. It is also one of Europe’s largest producers in the sector.