The experiment on pharmaceutical substances tracking involves more than 60 companies


The Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies (TsRPT, the operator of the Honest Sign labeling system) announced an experiment on tracking pharmaceutical raw materials. So far, 68 companies have been registered in the system, and 30 of them have digitized registration dossiers for drugs, Kommersant writes with reference to Egor Zhavoronkov, head of the Department for Socially Significant Goods at the TsRPT.

He said that there are over 140 digitized reconciliation of quantities documents now, which means that businesses are actively involved in the experiment. The active participants in the experiment began to make entries on raw material procurement data and production documents in the system as they transfer the series of active pharmaceutical substances to drug manufacturers for finished drug production. After that, the system will test the processes of confirming the technological stages stated in the reconciliation of quantities.

«We urge all the companies involved in the turnover to join the pilot project, as this will help them to adapt to the innovations in the most convenient way», — Zhavoronkov added.

The experiment was launched in December 2023. It is believed that as a result, the Russian pharmaceutical market will cease to depend on foreign supplies and will become more transparent to consumers. According to the TsRPT, a new subsystem is being developed based on the labeling system. It will make it possible to confirm that all stages of drug production had place in the EAEU, from the synthesis of the molecule. Control will be effected with the use of unique identifiers assigned to the drug series at all stages of production.

«When drugs are declared to be produced in the EAEU in a full cycle, the „second one out” mechanism applies to them. And the subsystem in the labeling system can be used to confirm that the pharmaceutical substances used in such drugs were synthesized in the EAEU», — the Center explained.