R-Pharm has registered a comprehensive solution in the field of genetic diagnostics


On January 15, R-Pharm Group announced the registration of a set of reagents MiSeq Dx v3 for nucleic acid sequencing in Russia. Due to it became possible to improve the quality of diagnosis of many life-threatening diseases, including orphans.

It announces the appearance of a ready IVD solution in the field of new generation sequencing (NGS) and will allow Albiogen, which is part of the R-Farm group of companies, to provide products for clinical genetic diagnostics.

The desktop sequencer MiSeq Dx, developed by Illumina, is designed for a wide range of research tasks, primarily targeted sequencing, sequencing of small genomes, gene expression profiling and much more. The versatility of the instrument, the high performance and the built-in data analyzer give MiSeq Dx the benefits of clinical application.

Illumina is a global leader in genetic research. Due to equipment and reagent production technologies, and the high quality of research, about 90% of the world’s sequencing data are based on Illumina technologies. The R-Farm Group of companies represents Illumina in Russia officially, supplying equipment and reagents to leading medical and scientific institutions, including the Sechenov and Pirogov Moscow Medical Universities, the Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, the Herzen Research Institute, the Blokhin National Medical Research Center, the Kurchatov Institute and others.