The Ministry of Health proposes to increase compensation for complications from vaccination


The amount of the one-off payment for citizens who have complications after vaccination may be increased, according to RBC. At the moment, this payment is 10,000 rubles, having not been indexed since 2000.

“We consider it expedient to review the amount of this one-off payment from the state,” Mikhail Murashko, the Minister of Health, said in his response to State Duma deputy Fedot Tumusov.

This payment may be claimed by Russians who have become disabled after vaccination. Earlier, Tumusov sent a letter to the Ministry of Health, in which he proposed to introduce life and health insurance for 10 million rubles for everyone vaccinated against COVID-19.

“The logic was simple,” he explained to the publication. “If the vaccination is safe, the state will not lose anything, while people will be convinced that if the vaccination actually has any bad consequences, they will receive the payment, and vaccination becomes de facto mandatory.”

In the answer, it is stated that Russians who have complications after vaccination can claim one-off benefits, including disability payments. In case of death from vaccination, family members of the deceased will receive 30,000 rubles, the Ministry of Health recalls. The issue of compensation in case of complications from vaccination is fully regulated by the law, the document says.