Microgen has applied for registration of immunoglobulin against coronavirus


The company “Microgen” filed an application for registration in Russia of a drug with the trade name “COVID-globulin.” This information appeared in the section of the State Register of Medicines (GRLS) related to the implementation of state registration.

The drug is human anticoronavirus immunoglobulin in the form of infusion solution. The production will be carried out by the National Immunobiology Company (Natsimbio), which includes Microgen.

Earlier, the Ministry of Health of Russia registered a bivalent polysaccharide vaccine for the prevention of meningococcal infection of serogroups A and C – MeningoVak A + C, produced by Microgen, managed by Natsimbio (holding state corporation Rostec). NPO Microgen, the only producer of meningococcal vaccine in Russia, will produce a new drug on the site in Ufa using full-cycle technology. The drug “MeningoVak A + C” is intended for immunization of the population aged 18 to 60 years.