“Microgen” received registration for a new vaccine for meningococcal infection


The Ministry of Health of Russia has registered a bivalent polysaccharide vaccine for the prevention of meningococcal infection of serogroups A and C – MeningoVak A + C, produced by NPO Microgen, which is managed by Natsimbio (holding state corporation Rostec), reports Natsimbio.

“The new drug will enter the market this year and will be available for use as part of the calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications. In parallel with the release of a bivalent vaccine containing the most common serotypes of the causative agent of the disease, we are working on the creation of a drug against four serogroups A, C, Y and W of meningococcal infection, “said Andrei Zagorsky, CEO of Natsimbio Holding.

NPO Microgen, the only manufacturer of meningococcal vaccine in Russia, will produce a new drug on the site in Ufa using full-cycle technology. The drug “MeningoVak A + C” is intended for immunization of the population aged 18 to 60 years.

Meningococcal infection – a potentially fatal disease. Vaccination is the most effective way to protect against meningococcal infection.

The National Immunobiological Company (Natsimbio) was established with the aim of creating a holding company (integrated structure) of Rostec State Corporation in the field of development and production of immunobiological products. The holding was created to ensure the independence of the Russian Federation from imports in the healthcare and drug supply system. To implement the tasks set, the management loop of the holding included NPO Microgen, FORT LLC, Synthesis OJSC.