The Ministry of Health issued a permit to study the ‘Sputnik Light’ vaccine


The Ministry of Health of Russia issued a permit to the N.F. Gamaleya Center to conduct clinical trials of the ‘Sputnik Light’ vaccine against coronavirus, it follows from the department’s registry data.

The research began on January 8 and will last for about a year. They are conducted by the Medgamal which is a branch of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

“The beginning of research is January 8, 2021, the end is December 31, 2021,” – follows from the registry data.

Clinical trials will take place in three medical organizations: Sechenov University, “Eco-Safety” Medical Center and the Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza with the participation of 150 patients.

On December 17, President Vladimir Putin spoke about the development of a “light” vaccine against coronavirus by the Gamaleya Center. According to him, the effectiveness of the vaccine will be 85%, one injection will be enough for the patient. The development of such a vaccine would make it possible to produce it in the tens of millions.