Moscow Endocrine Plant confirmed its compliance with the EAEU GMP standard


The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia has issued certificates of compliance with the rules of good manufacturing practice of the Eurasian Economic Union to FSUE “Moscow Endocrine Plant”, Endopharm reports.

The inspection conducted by the authorized regulatory body of the Russian Federation provided an inclusive examination of production organization and equipment, the quality assurance and quality control processes in respect of medicines produced at Endopharm production sites.

The details of the EAEU GMP certificates of each production site issued to Endopharm are published in the state register on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

The inspected sites produce more than 100 names of drugs used in various fields of medicine, including anesthesiology, ophthalmology, cardiology, psychiatry, gynecology, neurology, and gastroenterology. Most of the drugs are in the list of vital and essential medicines, including a portfolio of  centrally acting analgesics in a wide range of dosage forms.

The compliance with the GMP rules has also been confirmed for the production of various types of active pharmaceutical substances from raw materials of animal and plant origin obtained by biotechnological and chemical synthesis methods.