Capsules for the treatment of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis have been created in Russia


Specialists of the Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D.I Mendeleev, under the leadership of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “TsSP” of the FMBA of Russia, developed intestinal soluble capsules of prolonged action to treat chronic intestinal diseases.

There are no effective drugs for such chronic inflammatory bowel diseases as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease today. They are treated with medications that reduce inflammation and restore the mucous membrane. The effectiveness of therapy could be increased if a drug released the active substance in the body slowly.

This is exactly the kind of medicine that Russian researchers managed to create. These are intestinal soluble capsules containing a biopolymer complex that releases the active substance at a controlled rate. The capsule contains a biopolymer that slowly dissolves in the body, which provides a prolonged effect and high bioavailability of the drug.

“In our work, we used all the materials available on the market and already approved for use in pharmaceuticals. The biopolymer, the pharmaceutical substance, the soluble capsules and other related substances were purchased by us from open sources. Our know-how was the development of the technology for obtaining the “biopolymer + active substance” complex, which we then put in intestinal soluble capsules. This approach significantly reduces the path to the actual production of the drug, if all the trials are successful,” explained Andrey Kuskov, Head of the Department of Technology of Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Products of the Russian University of Chemical Technology.

Now the researchers are starting preclinical trials. If all the trials are successful, a fundamentally new drug for the treatment of chronic intestinal diseases will enter the market.