Vector announces the forthcoming release of Epivaccorona-N into civil circulation


Epivaccorona-N vaccine has not yet been released into civil circulation, this should happen in the near future, TASS reports with reference to Tatyana Nepomnyashchikh, deputy head of Vector, the State Research Center for Virology and Biotechnology of Rospotrebnadzor.

Epivaccorona-N has not yet been released into civil circulation, since we received the permission only last Thursday. As soon as we and our industrial partners develop the series, Roszdravnadzor will give permission for the series to enter into civil circulation. The vaccine is to go into circulation in the near future,” Tatyana Nepomnyashchikh said on Thursday, September 2.

According to her, a little more than five million doses of Epivaccorona-N were produced, with more than 1.8 million doses released into circulation.

“As of August 25, a little more than five million doses, that is, 2.5 million complete sets were produced. More than 1.8 million complete sets have been put into civil circulation,” Vector’s representative noted.

As Nepomnyashchikh explained, the lag between the number of doses produced and those put into circulation arises due to the established rules for quality and safety checking after production.

Earlier it became known that Epivaccorona-N is an anti-COVID-19 vaccine based on peptide antigens. The date of the state registration is August 26, 2021, the expiration date of the registration certificate is January 1, 2022.

According to Rinat Maksyutov, Vector’s general director, Epivaccorona-N is not fundamentally different from Epivaccorona. The difference lies in the technological specifics of production. This was the main reason why it became necessary to conduct new clinical trials in order to solve production tasks that require minor changes.