The Ministry of Health and Sirius University have agreed to cooperate in order to train personnel for the pharmaceutical industry


On March 23, 2022, a memorandum of cooperation in education was signed between the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Research Center for the Expert Examination of Medical Devices” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of Higher Education “Sirius University of Science and Technology”.

Sirius University of Science and Technology has been established by The Talent and Success Educational Foundation on behalf of president Putin, who is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, on July 1, 2019. The University develops projects in genomics, immunobiology, neurobiology, plant and animal gene editing, robotic science, and clinical psychology. The country’s largest laboratory complex for genetics and life sciences is ready to open. In 2021, the University opened its undergraduate and postgraduate programs. In the spring of 2022, together with the leading companies of the country, Sirius launched five more new educational programs. Students are involved in breakthrough research projects and in solving the tasks set by the Russian knowledge-intensive industry. Sirius University Research Center for Translational Medicine develops medical products and technologies, and also trains specialists to work in this field.  On April 1, enrollment started for the Center’s master program in Medical Chemistry.

Specialists of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Scientific Center for the Expert Examination of Medical Products” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the signed memorandum, will participate in the development and implementation of the main professional educational programs of higher education implemented by the Sirius University Research Center for Translational Medicine.

The signing of the memorandum is an important step towards the development of long-term and effective cooperation aimed at providing highly qualified personnel for the pharmaceutical industry of the Russian Federation.

As it became known earlier, students of Sirius University will do their internship at R-Pharm enterprises.