NC Logistic signs an agreement with Bio Industries


NC Logistic operator and Bio Industries, a veterinary drugs manufacturer and distributor, have signed an agreement for comprehensive logistics services.

“When choosing a logistics operator, we were guided by one-stop-shop service. It is valuable to find a counterparty who provides quality support to us at all stages of licensing, has the necessary infrastructure and professional competencies to work with vaccines, veterinary drugs and other products for animals, and all that is done by the same partner company. It is very important that the operator has a service of supporting online sales. This ibcludes acceptance, packing, packaging, labeling, and shipment as a single completed process. NC Logistic fully meets our complex request,” Vitaly Vorobyov, CEO of Bio Industries, said.

According to NC Logistic, for several years, the operator has been cooperating with a number of Western pharmaceutical companies that have a line of veterinary drugs in their portfolio. The latter have formed a trend for cooperation with logistics operators in Russia.

In turn, Russian veterinary companies also appreciate the effectiveness of cooperation with logistics operators:  “Large investment projects for modernization and expansion of production infrastructure are long-term, and a lot of effort is required to make them pay off. Outsourcing can provide an effective solution to this problem. Logistics companies already have the necessary resources and service competencies, so production and distribution companies can only integrate into the supply chain.”

Harold Vlasov, Executive Director of NC Logistic, suggested that in the near future veterinary medicines, following the example of pharmaceutical medicines, will be subject to labeling and tracking in a system similar to MDLP (the monitoring of movement of medicinal products).

“Logistics operators have unique experience, proven methods and adapted tools, which will undoubtedly make it less painful to go through all the stages of introduction and launch of veterinary drugs labeling,” he stressed.