Due to a “conflict” in the government office, no agreement was reached on the online prescription drugs provision project


The project of online delivery of prescription drugs was not agreed on time due to a conflict in the government office: the discussion of the document led to disputes among the participants. This is reported by PhV with reference to sources in the pharmaceutical market.

“There is a fight between departments to determine whether it will be an experimental legal regime of the Ministry of Economic Development or that of the Ministry of Health,” a source involved in the development of the project told the publication.

“It’s not a fight between the Ministry of Economics and the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health does not mind the project and is not blocking the process. It approves everything related to experimental legal regimes,”  said another PhV’s source.

According to them, neither the Ministry of Health nor Roszdravnadzor (Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare) oppose the project. The obstructing comes from the government apparatus and the Main Legal Department.

As it became known earlier, the Government of the Russian Federation did not manage to develop and agree on the final version of the project on the online sale of prescription drugs before July 1.