Promomed Group has registered a broad-spectrum antibiotic


The antibacterial portfolio of Promomed group now includes Cefotaxime + Sulbactam. The advantage of the combination of cephalosporins with sulbactam is the expansion of the antimicrobial spectrum due to its action on gram-negative bacteria,  which provides a wide range of opportunities for its use in medical practice. This was reported in Promomed’s press service.

The combination of cefotaxime and sulbactam is active against all microorganisms sensitive to cefotaxime. The drug is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, and it has been shown to be highly effective in the treatment of pneumonia, peritonitis, infections of urinary tract, skin and soft tissues, as well as severe forms of infectious and inflammatory diseases in both adults and children.

Promomed Group has established full-cycle production of antibacterial drugs at its AO Biokhimik enterprise.

Cefotaxime + Sulbactam will be available in the form of powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration, with 1000 mg + 500 mg dosage. The drug is included in the VED list.

As it became known earlier, Promomed  registered a new antitumor drug.