HIV patients report Eviplera shortage


HIV patients have reported a shortage of Eviplera, Johnson & Johnson’s antiretroviral drug.

According to Patient Control organization, from the beginning of 2022, website received reports from 12 Russian regions concerning the shortage of Eviplera. The situation is most difficult in the Tver region, as well as in the republics of Komi and Crimea.

Eviplera is the most frequently prescribed and most expensive combined antiretroviral drug in the Russian Federation, Kommersant notes. Yuliya Vereshchagina, a representative of the public organization, told the publication that problems with the availability of the drug may be related to its high cost: an annual course is about 300,000 rubles.

As it became known earlier,  Janssen (J&J Pharmaceutical Products division) had applied to the Federal Center for Planning and Organization of Drug Provision with a proposal to reduce the price of its Eviplera drug under long-term contracts. The company said it was open to further negotiations.