A resident of Skolkovo has received a license for an early cancer detection laboratory


At the first stage of the project, which starts in 2023, Oncodiag will perform tests for the level of CA-62, an innovative marker developed at Skolkovo by Javis Diagnostics. Studies have shown that this marker most effectively (with up to 95% accuracy) detects epithelial tumors in the early stages of cancer (up to 90% of all cancer cases), including lung, ovarian, prostate, breast, and colorectal cancer.

Oncodiag’s platform can now perform up to 300,000 tests per year.  It can support data collection for a decision-making system used to detect the localisation of a tumor, as well as to expand the range of services provided in private healthcare.

“JVS Diagnostics’s team has set an ambitious task of creating a test for early detection of cancer. The use of an additional marker, CA-15.3, gives the CA-62 marker developed by JVS Diagnostics specificity in respect of cancer localization, which significantly simplifies screening for breast cancer in the early stages, which is based only on a blood test. The Skolkovo Foundation can see that the task is being solved successfully. We believe that the company will manage to introduce it in practice in healthcare,” says Sergey Shcherbakov, project manager of the biomedical technologies cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation.

Testing for a high level of the CA-62 marker is relevant both for prescreening to identify people with a high risk of early cancer, and for monitoring those with a genetic predisposition, as well as for detecting relapses of cancer after recovery.

In addition, it is feasible for some branches of the Russian economy with high professional risks to include the test in their medical examination system. This is important for workers exposed to ionizing and ultraviolet radiation, chemical agents, and other adverse factors.